Pres. Henry B. Eyring (Apr. '20): "He Goes Before Us"


The ideas in this blog are meant to be used in small, home-like environments (2-5 people), although any of them could be adapted for other contexts.  I am also envisioning these activities as guided by a parent(s), but again that need not be the case.  For teaching ideas to use in Relief Society and Elders Quorum classes see my other blog here.  

For Adults

  1.  Scan the talk and identify words, sentences, and/or passages that explain how God works with people.  Such as these:
    1. par. 3 ("He teaches us . . .  us, never forcing").
    2. par. 22 ("to lead in . . .  in His work").
    3. par. 32 ("I testify that . . . the last days").
    4. par. 35 ("whenever we proceed . . . not yet seen").
  2. Discuss the lessons in these quotes.
  3. Briefly review the events recounted by Pres. Eyring from the Kirtland Temple (par. 5-21; see also D&C 110) and identify those parts that testify of the passages you identified and read in step 1.  [If you wanted to you could do the same with par. 22-27-- Pres. Eyring's firsthand account of his involvement in the development of Family Search].
  4. Ponder and, as apporpriate, share how these same principles have been at work in your life. 

For Teens

  1. Read par. 38 ("The Lord saw . . . did not foresee").
  2. Mark the parts of this quote that teach specifically how God works with people to accomplish His purposes.
  3. Briefly review the events of the Kirtland Temple as recounted by Pres. Eyring (par. 5-12; see also D&C 110).
  4. Read par. 22-27 ("Now, I had . . . made it possible).
  5. Identify portions of these stories that align with the points that Pres. Erying made in the quote shared in step 1.  

For Tweens

  1. Read par. 3 ("He teaches us . . . us, never forcing").
  2. Briefly review the events of the Kirtland Temple as recounted by Pres. Eyring (par. 5-12; see also D&C 110).
  3. Read par. 22-27 ("Now, I had . . . made it possible).
  4. In this passage, highlight phrases that show God guiding Joseph Smith and the Church "step by step."

For Kids

  1. Read par. 40 ("He has in . . . for your service").
  2. Ask how we might know what God's plan is for us.  Talk about the answers given.
  3. Read par. 5 ("In the afternoon . . . and silent prayer").
  4. Identify the things that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery did here that we could do to learn what God wants us to do.
