Elder Neil L. Andersen (Apr. '20): "Spiritually Defining Memories"


The ideas in this blog are meant to be used in small, home-like environments (2-5 people), although any of them could be adapted for other contexts.  I am also envisioning these activities as guided by a parent(s), but again that need not be the case.  For teaching ideas to use in Relief Society and Elders Quorum classes see my other blog here

For Adults:

  1. Read the four stories shared by Elder Andersen in his talk.  These are found in the section entitled "Four Examples."
  2. Take time to ponder the events in these accounts and reflect for a few moments on any personal moments you have had that have been spiritually powerful.
  3. Read par. 37 ("When personal difficulty . . . they once treasured").
  4. Discuss ways that you could more regularly remember your personal spiritually defining moments.

For Teens:

  1. Ask how we can prepare ourselves to receive assurance that God "knows us and loves us and that He is blessing us specifically and openly."  Discuss the answers.
  2. Read par. 36 ("Faith, obedience, humility . . . windows of heaven").
  3. Read the story of Pres. Nelson performing a new surgery and point out how he demonstrated each of these elements in that story-- par. 8-10 ("Years ago, an . . . for many years").
  4. Discuss with the teens how we can each activate these four qualities more powerfully in our own lives.

For Tweens:

  1. Explain the types of experiences that Elder Andersen is talking about here.
  2. Discuss/explain that at times we may not recognize when Father speaks to us unless we know what to look/listen for.  You may want to read par. 30 ("Pres. Dallin H. Oaks . . . knew it not").
  3. Review some or all of the experiences shared by Elder Andersen and point out how the Spirit is working in each one.
    1. Providing intelligence/guidance-- par. 8-11 ("Years ago, an . . . had been directed.").
    2. Answering prayers-- par. 12-19 ("Kathy and I . . . had been blessed").
    3. Testifying-- par. 22 ("This picture was . . . witness was true").
    4. Rewarding obedience-- par. 24 ("While tracting, my . . . I never have").
    5. Increasing feelings of love-- par. 28 ("My friend Clayton . . . night after night").
  4. As appropriate share similar experiences you have had and invite the tweens to share any experiences they have had-- especially if they are unsure if it was the Spirit or not.

For Kids:

  1. Ask the kids if they have ever felt like Heavenly Father is aware of them.
  2. Discuss any experiences they share and ask how they know this was from God (caution:  be aware about how we discuss sensitive and sacred things or how we treat other people's spiritual experiences).
  3. Read Galatians 5:22-23.  Explain that the fruits of the Spirit are those things that the we will feel when the Spirit is communicating with us.
  4. Share a story(ies) from Elder Andersen's talk or one of your own experiences to demonstrate how these feelings come-- as appropriate.
