Elder Jeffrey R. Holland (Apr. '20): "A Perfect Brightness of Hope"


The ideas in this blog are meant to be used in small, home-like environments (2-5 people), although any of them could be adapted for other contexts.  I am also envisioning these activities as guided by a parent(s), but again that need not be the case.  For teaching ideas to use in Relief Society and Elders Quorum classes see my other blog here.

For Adults:

  1. On a sheet of paper, draw a horizontal line across the top and about 2/3 of the way across the page draw a vertical line.  Label the area to the left of the vertical line "past" and the area to the right "future"
  2. Read par. 15 ("I testify that . . . grace and benevolence").
  3. Take a few moments to list and talk about times in the past when God's hand has been evident (these should include both large miracles and smaller, quieter miracles).
  4. Now, take a few moments and list some blessings that you hope to receive in the future (or miracles that you hope to see).
  5. Discuss how remembering the items in #3 can help us be more faithful as we wait for the items in #4.
  6. Read par. 8 ("Because the Restoration . . . most insurmountable odds).

For Teens:

  1. Discuss what hope means and why it is important.  Specifically, talk about the difference between worldly hope and the hope centered in Christ.
  2. Discuss how we can develop/have hope in God.
  3. During the discussion, as appropriate, read the following quotes together (or others that you find that seem more appropriate-- you might augment quotes from this talk with other quotes by general authorities on hope).
    1. par. 8 ("Because the Restoration . . . most insurmountable odds").
    2. par. 8 ("We all need . . . yet be ours).
    3. par. 10 ("So, when our . . . charity to others").
    4. par. 11 ("We did not . . . come this far").
    5. par. 15 ("I testify that . . . grace and benevolence").

For Tweens:

  1. Together read aloud par. 2-5 ("Well, for one . . . where they died").
  2. As you read, mark unclear religious ideas that were clarified/answered by the events of the Restoration.
  3. In another color, mark what was restored/revealed through the Restoration that corrected these misconceptions.
  4. Discuss how the Restoration corrected these mistakes.

For Kids:

  1. Help the kids make a list of the blessings in their lives.  Review family and personal prayers that have been answered.
  2. Talk about the blessings that they may hope for.
  3. Read par. 15 ("I testify that . . . grace and benevolence").
  4. Explain that this means that we can know God will bless us in the future because He has blessed us in the past.
