Elder Dale G. Renlund (Apr. '20): "Consider the Goodness and Greatness of God"


The ideas in this blog are meant to be used in small, home-like environments (2-5 people), although any of them could be adapted for other contexts.  I am also envisioning these activities as guided by a parent(s), but again that need not be the case.  For teaching ideas to use in Relief Society and Elders Quorum classes see my other blog here.

For Adults:

  1. Read and discuss "The Remarkable Fruits of Remembering God's Goodness and Mercy," par. 21-25 ("These truths should . . . goodness and mercy").
  2. Make a list of those things that most stood out to you.
  3. Ponder when you have seen these blessings in your own life or the life of another.
  4. Share, as appropriate, some of those experiences.

For Teens/Tweens/Kids:

  1. Read par. 2 ("The consistency of . . . has on us").
  2. Create a list of examples and times when your family has seen the goodness of God.
  3. Discuss how remembering those experiences can help you in your life.
