Pres. Henry B. Eyring (Apr. '20): "Prayers of Faith"


The ideas in this blog are meant to be used in small, home-like environments (2-5 people), although any of them could be adapted for other contexts.  I am also envisioning these activities as guided by a parent(s), but again that need not be the case.  For teaching ideas to use in Relief Society and Elders Quorum classes see my other blog here.  

For Adults

  1. Read and discuss par. 15 ("Throughout his prophetic . . . the same pattern") and par. 17 ("Such prayers offered . . . its continuing unfolding").
  2. Read the Joseph Smith account and identify key lessons about 'prayers of faith' (JSH 1:8-18)
  3. Read the account of Enos and identify key lessons about 'prayers of faith' (Enos 1:3-17)
  4. Discuss what was found.
  5. Try to condense what was read into "The Five Commandments of Praying with Faith"

For Teens/Tweens:

  1. Read par. 9-12 ("Many of the . . . their everyday lives).
  2. On a piece of paper, write down the 3 things Pres. Eyring mentions that will come about in the last days
    1. Taking the gospel to the whole world
    2. Beome united as members of the Church
    3. Become a light so even unbelievers will recognize the power of the Church
  3. Create lists of ways that we can all (even the t(w)eens) can prepare to take part in these events and can take part beginning now to take part in these events.

For Kids:

  1. Read par. 20 ("I know from . . . must not pray") and/or par. 21 ("You and I . . . us from praying").
  2. Discuss why Satan would not want us to pray and why Father wants us to pray
  3. Make a list of blessings that we receive from praying.
  4. Have everyone draw a picture of their favorite blessing from praying and hang it by their beds to help them remember to pray every day.
